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The reader should be cautious about relying upon any of the following publications. At the time each article was written, the author tried to present the status of the subject matter as it was. However, the law is always evolving and always progressing.
For example, in October 2005, Congress passed a major change in Bankruptcy Law. This change impacts some, but not all, of the discussion of bankruptcy included in articles prior to this time. Similarly, other changes were made both by statute and by judicial interpretation. So, please be careful, and if you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Defending Your Business’ Rights
Defense of the Guarantor
This article discusses some of the changes in South Carolina law that may be beneficial in the defense of a guarantor in commercial litigation.
In Defense of Guarantor
This article is the back ground article for the November 2010 S.C. Lawyers Magazine that includes additional citations and backdrop.
Bankruptcy Litigation Under BAPCPA
Produced for Lorman Education Services’ Understanding the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005 in South Carolina, April 26, 2006. I discussed the impact of BAPCPA on the major areas of bankruptcy litigation.
Objections to Discharge Under Section 523
This article seeks to discuss the state of discharge complaints for individual creditors under the then bankruptcy law. Again, some items have changed since 1999 so the reader should be aware that not everything included in the article.
Defenses to Fraudulent Transfers
Discusses the overall strategies for defending against these types of actions. Included in the 2005 article is the beginning of the discussions of the changes that were to take place under the BAPCPA that are further developed in later articles.
Preferential Transfers in South Carolina
Discusses the overall strategies for defending against these types of actions. Included in the 2005 article is the beginning of the discussions of the changes that were to take place under the BAPCPA that are further developed in later articles.
When the Bank Makes a Bad Decision Worse
It can be hard to recognize when throwing more money at a problem will not fix it. It is even harder to tell a bank “no” when it recommends it.
When You Can Blame the Bank For Bad Decisions
Banks are becoming more and more aggressive in how they go about getting their money back. Sometimes, people, for one reason or another, do what the bank wants. When the Bank does end up making a decision and things go bad, when is the Bank on the hook?
Handling Business Relationships
An Analysis of Enterprise Development
In this analysis, I take a look at an hypothetical business to show the types of legal relationships that come into play during a discussions of enterprise development and structuring.
The Impact of Article 9 Changes on Bankruptcy in Current UCC Developments in South Carolina
In 2000, many states changed the way creditors deal with debtors and their collateral. In this article, I take a look at these changes and how they impact a potential restructuring of an enterprise.
How to Structure and Manage Secured Transactions
It was this article and the response to this article that led me to believe that there was a need for a more pro active approach to assisting individuals in developing, structuring and understanding their business relationships.
Right-sizing Your Business
Bankruptcy and its Impact on Foreclosure (2007)
Produced for Lorman Education Services’ Foreclosure and Bankruptcy in South Carolina, September 2007.
Bankruptcy and its Impact on Foreclosure (2008)
Bankruptcy and its Impact on Foreclosure (2009)
Business Bankruptcy and Bankruptcy Litigation under the BAPCPA
For HalfMoon, L.L.C.’s Bankruptcy Practice After the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005
Bankruptcy Trends
The news is littered more and more with talk of businesses struggling to compete in an increasingly complex market. On any given day, news reports of a company seeking to restructure or close shop scatter the landscape. No industry seems to be exempt. Companies are struggling in energy, retail, construction, groceries, insurance, and industrial. How this impacts the world of bankruptcy is unclear. Most indicators seem to offer a blurred picture of what to expect.